Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Internet Adventures - Parkour and Parkour Videos!

The art of motion, or as it's more commonly known, Parkour/Free Running is a rapidly growing sport especially in urban areas. The best way to describe it is with the phrase "artistic ninja". The sport involves taking obstacles such as railings, walls, ledges etc. and moving over around or through them in an artistic and interesting way. It is a great display of athleticism as well as creativity, the cooler the trick on the simpler the obstacle usually means the more skilled the athlete or "treceur". It was created in the french military to quickly retrieve fallen soldiers and bring them back for medical attention, now it is used by urban youth to keep active and look awesome doing it.
Recently more and more competitions for Parkour/Free Running have been popping up around the globe, turning this hobby into a fully realized sport and in some cases a career. As in the case of most sports, teams started emerging. The most well known team at this point is probably Storm Freerun and for good reason. ->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHy9W9LpvlQ&ob=av3e<- Everyone on the team is recognized as one of the best in the world, each of them coming from various backgrounds in martial arts, break dancing, rock climbing etc. brought together by this wonderful new sport.
I myself have been Free Running for a few years now and as someone who could never really get into other sports I find it that much more intriguing. It's unlike skateboarding or rollerblading because it's so new. In skateboarding the basics are to master tricks such as the "kick flip" and the "shuvit", things that have already been invented, mastered, used and reused until they have barely any creativity and originality to them whatsoever. Free Running is so new and so varied depending on where you live and what obstacles you have access to that the possibilities are almost endless. There doesn't have to be any gear involved at all. No pads or helmet (unless you're not very good) and you don't need anyone else to do it with. You just put on your shoes and hit the town.

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